With the many “Going Green” movements and campaigns being carried out in the past few decades, it’s no surprise everyone wants to make their very own contributions to eliminating Earth-unfriendly habits while taking care of whatever is left of our environment. But more often than not, people always get wrapped up with the enthusiastic buzz of gift-giving holidays that most of their global concerns are easily neglected. Here, we’ve made a list of eco-friendly product gift ideas that you can choose from if you want to stay consistent with your wish to help save Mother Nature:
Recycled Eco Gifts
Charitable organizations normally sell out the various eco-friendly product gifts made by fair trade workers. You can choose from clothing products and food items, stationery products to fashion accessories that have all been created by hand in poverty-stricken regions. Most of the sales generated from these projects are paid to the product makers who have made use of recycled materials.
Environment-friendly Gift Baskets
Also topping the list of eco-friendly product ideas are eco gifts that are personally chosen by the giver. One may choose from the many organically and naturally produced foods that he can include in the basket.
Organic Skin Care Gifts
Any mother, sister, aunt, best friend, or girlfriend will definitely love getting skincare products that have been created with the use of organic and natural products like aloe vera, honey, or cocoa butter. From body scrubs to lip balms, lotions to body creams, there are a lot of these eco-friendly products that one can choose from.
Eco-friendly Stationery Gifts
Regardless of the occasion, paper goodies always make for great gifts. There’s an unlimited selection of eco-friendly product ideas from recycled paper that one can choose from, and the same holds true for the designs, shapes, styles, and sizes that choosing the ideal one to give for a special someone should be exciting and hassle-free. Notebooks, diaries, and organizers from recycled paper are not only ideal eco gifts, but they are also always well appreciated by any recipient.
Nature-friendly Cosmetic Gifts
Traditional cosmetics make use of chemicals that are not only harmful to the skin but also for the environment. Fortunately, the advent of eco-friendly technology has brought about the development of cosmetic eco gifts such as lipsticks, eyeliners, blush-on, and many more that are not only safe to use for everybody, they likewise do not leave any harmful toxins in the planet.